Arts; Art and Design, Music

Creative Arts


Key skill themes of the curriculum that will be reinforced for our learners:-


Ø  Pupils gain an awareness and understanding of mood, tone, rhythm, form, space, and work with a vast range of materials to communicate what they see, hear, think and feel (NC ref: Art and Design - Gain skills in the areas of in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques/ Music - every young person should be able to experience music and to make progress For pupils to have a wide range of opportunities to explore and develop their ideas through access to a wide range of resources, including instrument, tools and processes (NC ref: Art and Design - Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences/Music – to enrich individual lives as well as a school’s wider community).

Ø  To use a range of technology and ICT to support and extend the Creative Arts curriculum.


Key knowledge themes of the curriculum that will be reinforced for our learners-


Ø  The curriculum will promote British Values through links with current themes and cultural events, further enhancing pupils understanding and awareness of themselves as individuals and the world around them.  Pupils’ cultural, moral and spiritual awareness is also promoted through cross-curricular links with other subjects (NC ref: Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design/Music - nurtures fundamental musical techniques alongside building musical knowledge).

Ø  For pupils to be introduced to the work of famous artists, designers and musicians from past to present and to use these as a stimulus for their work, including visiting artists and musicians. Pupils will access opportunities to be involved in Integrated Arts projects and exhibitions in the locality, such as the termly joint exhibitions with other local schools within the Specialist Support Schools Partnership (SSSP).

Ø  To develop an interest and appreciation of the arts by experiencing concerts, museums and art galleries in the locality(NC ref: Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms/Music – to gain experience of a broad repertoire of music from the Western Classical tradition, and to the best popular music and music from around the world).
