
Learning all the skills of communication, including literacy, is core to the Sixth Form Curriculum. In addition to discrete lessons on the subject, this is woven through our entire Sixth Form Curriculum. Therefore we redouble our efforts to implement our school intent that pupils will learn:

          About the world; we believe in the entitlement of all our students to a broad, balanced and relevant education. To learn about the facts, processes, principles, interests and wonders of-  

-       Through topics in our scheme of work pupils will have access to a wide range of age appropriate fiction, non-fiction, including newspapers, magazines and other media especially in our sixth form.

-       English in every form will be made more relevant to each pupil through individual planning at the appropriate level.  Pupils will use the skills developed in their English lessons to support learning in all other areas of the curriculum for example, to communicate with when out in the community and to recall and record what they have done in previous lessons.

-       Pupils will learn to research and access the world more effectively with the help of technology such as chat PCs, eye gaze and Clicker 7.

         To be effective in the world; we will teach our students to optimise their success in achieving their goals in the world by teaching them the essential skills that will enable them to thrive in a changing world. Especially the skills of-


      Requesting the things they really want using their voice, PECS, TOBIs, communication computers etc. 

      Chatting to people and developing other social communication skills using Intensive Interaction, Talkabout, PODD books and other language boards and devices high and low tech. 

      Describing things using systems such as Colourful Semantics, Narrative Therapy, PODD books and ALBs (Assistive Language Boards) and chat technology such as Proloquo to Go.


-       Reading or sharing texts with adults or their peers at an individual level, in small groups (guided reading) or as a whole class. 

-       Learning to read words, pictures, symbols or signs using phonics, visual memory, multisensory strategies etc. 

-       Accessing a wide range of texts through topic teaching and sensory stories. 

-       Developing a love of reading through the use of technology (books on touchscreen computers) & bespoke motivating reading books.


-       Recording their findings, ideas, descriptions using pens, pencils, Clicker 7, chat PCs, Smart Notebook, microphones, Switch it Maker etc.

-       Be encouraged to write or mark make on their own work to show it belongs to them.

Pupils will access the appropriate specialist strategies that will allow them to make progress from their own starting points. 

 •         to be confident, caring, safe, citizens; we will teach our students to be;

-       Able to tell us when something is not right by using their voice with the support of emotion books and boards, visual systems such as schedules, well-being trained staff who are trained to listen and support appropriately.

-       Follow safety rules inside and outside of school supported by aids such as social stories, schedules, routines and verbal, sign and symbol instructions.

-       Follow social speaking rules within taught sessions to learn skills such as turn taking, listening and responding to others, respecting differences and adjusting their communication behaviours to different situations e.g. raise voice when talking to whole class/soften voice when supporting peer.