Home School Communication and Agreement

Providing parents with enough information about their child's time in school is essential - especially where pupils cannot communicate such information themselves. Therefore we prioritise Home/School communication.


Use of Class Dojo or the Home/School book

The most important way in which we do this is through correspondence on the Class Dojo App or in the home/school book. The level and detail of this will vary with each child and with the needs of each parent. In general, non-verbal pupils will need more communication going home through Class Dojo or the book than verbal pupils who can tell parents some of the things that have happened - what they have particularly liked- in the day.

Other direct forms of communication that the school will use are:

  • Termly Curriculum Reports - including photographic evidence of achievements.
  • Timetables and staff details at the beginning of the school year.
  • Details of subject “topic” areas to be covered each term.
  • Telephone calls.
  • Visits and tours of the school for parents of children who are being considered for admission.
  • Essential/general information and permission forms which parents complete when their child first attends school and which are updated regularly thereafter.
  • Face to face meetings/discussions at school.
  • Email.
  • Text to mobile phones.
  • Home visits.
  • Newsletter.
  • Website.
  • Twitter.

The partnership between home and school is the cornerstone of providing the best education possible for each child. Parents should read, sign and return the Home/School agreement. Click on the link below to see a copy.

Home School Agreement