Sensory Department Pupils' Needs

What specialist approaches will school use to meet my child’s learning needs?

All pupils: Our school has specialist skills and knowledge to meet the needs of our pupils. We use a Total Communication Environment for all pupils including the use of appropriate verbal communication, signing (BSL signed assisted English), symbols, literacy as appropriate, and objects of reference along with, music and other environmental cues and references. As classes are grouped mainly according to learning needs, teachers can closely match their delivery of the curriculum to each pupil’s level of understanding.

However, there are additional specialist approaches that support the needs of pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

• A clear structure to each day to develop the pupils anticipation skills which includes the use of a cueing in song for each activity, objects of reference, photographs and symbols and a now and next board.
• The majority of lessons are taught as a carousel of activities to give pupils opportunities to work towards their learning outcome in a variety of different ways and for short bursts of activity/focus. This also allows the pupils to work with a variety of different people and in
variety of contexts.
• There are independent learning stations around the department which aim to develop some of the key skills for our pupils including, pre-reading, mark making, tactile exploration, listening, cause and effect and positive looking.
• We promote positive looking throughout the day and within the environment by using a colour tent and presenting objects and photographs on a black or red background.
• We use a variety of communication strategies including, Intensive Interaction, Eye Pointing, Etran frames, communication switches, eye gaze, Objects of Reference, TOBI’s, symbols, PODD, PECS and Proloquo.
• Pupils receive high quality care through our close work with therapists and other health professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, complex needs nurses, orthotics, SALT and the VI team.
We aim to provide opportunities for inclusion both in school and in the wider community. 

Resources and Therapies

• The pupils have access to 2 sensory rooms, these support the pupils in developing their cause and effect and tracking skills.

• Once a week the pupils have the opportunity to have massage therapy from an external provider, Rainbow Scent.

• The pupils in the Sensory Department have a minimum of 1 session per week in our hydrotherapy pool where they work towards ‘Rockhopper Awards’.

• We offer rebound therapy to our pupils as part of Physical Education lessons.

• The pupils have a small group, weekly music sessions and some also have 1:1 music therapy.

• We have adapted equipment to encourage pupils to be as independent in their learning as possible. (scissors/ cookery equipment/ toys etc)

• Technology is very important in the Sensory Department and the pupils benefit from the use of touch screens, switch control, tablets, VI headsets, a light board and Eye gaze.

• Pupils also use resonance boards to support their learning.