School info

This section of our website will tell you about the people in school and our basic structures including 'who does what'.

See the menu items on the left of this page and click to link with each section.

General Information: Head's statement, the school's vision, what we can offer to pupils with SEN, who are the governors?and who are the management?

Partnerships: our school works in a variety of partnerships with other schools in order to gain support and challenge ourselves to do the best we can for our pupils. Our main partnerships are with the A+ Trust (with mainstream schools), our co-location with Rayner Stephens High School, our links with the Greater Manchester Special Schools Leadership Group and our strong links with the other special schools in Tameside through the Specialist Support Schools Partnership (SSSP).

School performance: here you can read about how we are doing through our most recent Ofsted report, an analysis of the progress our pupils have made each year and how we use the pupil premium to ensure that pupils from less advantaged backgrounds do just as well as other pupils. 

The government also provides some contexual information about each school (most indicators are intended for mainstream schools) and our information can be found by clicking below:

Government Contextual Information

We are in full compliance of GDPR coming into force on 25th May 2018. Any data on this website is for information only, and can not be used by third party for marketing purpose.

Please note that all telephone calls to and from school are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.