Parent info

This section of our website will give you the important information that you need to understand how we work with parents to get the best possible provision for each child.

Please see the menu to the left of this page to click to link to the different sections.

Key Information links to basic organisational issues:

    • Recent letters home
    • Admissions and Transition, Attendance, School Dates, Clubs
    • Medication and Uniform

Key Policies links to our policies that state what we are working to achieve for our pupils and how we are trying to do it.  Paper copies are available on request to the school address or A charge may be applicable for non-statutory policies. 

Parent Partnership links to areas where home and school work particularly closely:

    • Keeping our children safe, Home Learning (Homework), Home/School Agreement and finding a Post 16 placement
    • Ongoing policy consultation with parents and the results of the parents' questionnaire
    • Team Cromwell (the Parent/Teacher Association) and links to family support groups

Our partnership with our parents is one of the most things we value most.  As staff working in a school over many years we have the broad experience of many children with similar- but not the same!- needs to each individual pupil. It is parents however, who will always know their child the best. When we can combine the deep knowledge of parents with the broad experience and knowledge of professionals with have the ideal, powerful, combination necessary to meet our complex pupils' needs. We are extremely happy to report that we have a very positive relationships with the overwhelming majority of parents and whenever an issue arises we will seek to understand and address any concern. Please see the "Parents' View of Our School" page to download full Parent Feedback results. 

In summary: 

  • 100% of parents "Agreed" that their child likes school 
  • 100% of parents "Agreed" that their child is well cared for in school
  • 100% of parents agreed that their child is making good progress in school.
  • 100% of parents agreed that school is helping their child  become as mature, responsible and independent as possible.

- and this is after a pandemic!

To get a taste of what we do, please have a look at our past newsletters:
