This section of our website will tell you about the parent partnership with the school. See the links to menu items on the left of this page.
Parent Partnership links to areas where home and school work together particularly closely:
- Safeguarding: working together to keep our children safe
- Home Learning (Homework)- how learning at home can support school and learning at school can be applied at home.
- Home/School Agreement- how we communication and support each other in the interests of the child.
- Finding a Post 16 placement- starting in Year 9, how we think ahead to ensure a smooth transition to our Sixth Form or a different college.
- Ongoing policy consultation with parents- see the policies that governors are currently reviewing and have you chance to comment for governors consideration.
- The results of the parents' questionnaire- the views of parents are enormously important to us and listening to, and working with, parents helps us to continue to develop and improve.
- Team Cromwell (the Parent/Teacher Association) play a fantastic role in getting our school community together for special events and raising money for extras for pupils.
- Links to family support groups.
Each year we send parents a questionnaire to gather their feedback on how well we are doing as a school. If there are any areas parents identify we take action to ensure improvements. If you would like to provide us with feedback inbetween our surveys, either arrange a meeting with the relevant person in school or, if you wish, you can download the general feedback form below and return it to school at any time for us to consider. We appreciate all the feedback that our parents take the time to provide us and, wherever possible and appropriate, will seek to meet any concerns and celebrate our successes.