Sensory department curriculum

This section informs you of the curriculum opportunities we provide for the pupils in the Sensory Department. The links on the left will be added shortly to provide more detail about the following areas: 

We seek to teach the key skills necessary throughout life through an exciting and motivating curriculum

Key Skills: 

  • Communication
  • Numeracy
  • Working with others
  • Improving own learning & Independence 

Curriculum areas:

  • Literacy and wider English- learning visual communication including the use of objects, photos and symbols. Accessing wider English including different media, different functions of visual communication as well as enjoying the experience of multisensory presentations of classic literature and poetry
  • Face to face interaction skills
  • Numeracy and wider Maths with an emphasis on underlying concepts and their functional use
  • Physical World- including Science, Design & Technology and Physical Geography
  • Social World- including RE, PHSE, Citizenship, History and Human Geography
  • Arts- both performing (including Music & Dance) and creative
  • Physical and Health Education- including Athletics, Games- team and individual, Gymnastics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
  • Vocational (adultlife) Curriculum including maximising the ability to tolerate and access community based opportunities